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Backtest XLB
The datasets from which these PYPL forecasts are drawn originate from FactSet. They represent the aggregated estimates made available to academics or practitioners via the Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System (IBES). Although this seems like a fair way of predicting future profits given that they have some level expertise in investment banking, studies show there's still an optimism bias present among these professionals.

Regression-based models suffer from the use of past earnings in a linear or exponential framework. This can lead to bias because these models assume that future performance will mirror historical trends exactly, whereas business cycle dynamics and seasonality may introduce randomness over time periods.

While there is a clear consensus that a factor-based approach to investment is rewarded over time, it goes without saying that the implementation of factor investing strategies, especially in the world of long-only money-management, is rarely subject to the same consensus. Index providers who offer funds that generally contain a small number of stocks in relation to the size and risk level they are designed for, often do so by selecting certain conditions or factors within each company.

For example, some commercial indexes aim at proportionality between price movements and dividends paid out over time while others look exclusively on liquidity considerations alone; yet still more restrict their selection criteria based around corporate governance issues like transparency reports rating various aspects such as soundness levels among others relevant metrics available about any given firm when deciding whether it should be included into an investor’s portfolio.

Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund Liquidity Chart

Historical price and liquidity data
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This multi-factor forecast for Paypal Holdings (PYPL) is based on a weighted average of five factor-dervied forecasts.
Backtest PYPL
PYPL forecast 2025 logo
XLB Liquidity Heat Map

Left-hand side y-axis orders liquidity rank of individuals chart components.
Right-hand side y-axis coordinates measure the price of XLB.

Component Liquidity

Component Last Value
LIN 92.00000
APD 76.00000
SHW 68.00000
CTVA 66.00000
FCX 66.00000
ECL 64.00000
NEM 64.00000
DOW 58.00000
NUE 56.00000
ALB 56.00000
DD 54.00000
PPG 54.00000
IFF 48.00000
CF 44.00000
VMC 42.00000
LYB 38.00000
MLM 34.00000
MOS 30.00000
AMCR 28.00000
BALL 24.00000
FMC 24.00000
AVY 22.00000
IP 18.00000
PKG 14.00000
CE 2.00000
Component 1 Month Ago 1 Week Ago Last Value
LIN 92.00000 96.00000 88.00000
APD 76.00000 96.00000 84.00000
SHW 68.00000 94.00000 76.00000
CTVA 66.00000 90.00000 72.00000
FCX 66.00000 86.00000 68.00000
ECL 64.00000 80.00000 60.00000
NEM 64.00000 76.00000 56.00000
DOW 58.00000 72.00000 48.00000
NUE 56.00000 72.00000 44.00000
ALB 56.00000 68.00000 40.00000
DD 54.00000 68.00000 40.00000
PPG 54.00000 64.00000 38.00000
IFF 48.00000 58.00000 38.00000
CF 44.00000 58.00000 32.00000
VMC 42.00000 54.00000 30.00000
LYB 38.00000 54.00000 28.00000
MLM 34.00000 52.00000 22.00000
MOS 30.00000 52.00000 22.00000
AMCR 28.00000 48.00000 22.00000
BALL 24.00000 46.00000 22.00000
FMC 24.00000 44.00000 22.00000
AVY 22.00000 40.00000 14.00000
IP 18.00000 34.00000 10.00000
PKG 14.00000 12.00000 8.00000
CE 2.00000 12.00000 6.00000
All Liquidity Visualizations

About Transactional Liquidity

To paraphrase trader Larry Harris, transactional liquidity in the markets is the ability to trade large order sizes quickly, at low cost and time that is convenient to the trader. Many traders consider liquidity the most important characteristic of well-functioning markets.

As a general observation, low liquidity is accompanied by high volatility in price movements, and vice-versa.

Note that traders who need to perform a more comprehensive analysis can backtest the impact of liquidity on a particular security using the Tradewell platform.

How Liquidity is Calculated

This measure of liquidity displayed on the heat-maps is adapted from Amihud’s illiquidity measure, which is the ratio of absolute close to-close returns to dollar volume (Price * Volume).

This metric is calculated as a the current value ranked over the prior 50 days. A low value indicates high liquidity, while a high value indicates lower liquidity (at the transactional level). In other words, a value that is high implies a large absolute close to close return, but relatively low volume comparatively.

We measure liquidity for each component of a particular index or ETF’s in order to help understand liquidity dynamics underneath the surface.

About Liquidity Heat Map Colors

This liquidity heat map uses a color scale to display the internal liquidity dynamics of Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund. The Y-axis is composed of each individual Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund component, which is sorted each and every day by their liquidity rank on that day compared to the other components. This allows us to see visually whether component liquidity was high, normal, or poor. For example, if the liquidity heatmap shows more red, and darker red on a given day, it is more likely that the majority of components are highly illiquid, and vice-versa.

About Liquidity Heat Map Coordinates

The X-axis displays trading days by date, while the Y-axis contains the liquidity rank of each individual security component comprising Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund.

About Liquidity Heat Map Coordinates

A price chart of Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund is overlaid on top of the heat map so you can observe the impact that different liquidity regimes may be having on the price of the asset.

Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund

XLB is an exchange traded fund whose portfolio is comprised of US materials sector stocks. This investment seeks to provide the same performance as stocks in the Materials Select Sector Index. The index contains securities from the following industries: chemicals, metals and mining, paper and forest products, containers and packaging, construction materials.
All Liquidity Visualizations


This chart shows the liquidity of individual components of XLB over the last year.
Historical price and seasonality data
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Guest Commentary
Robson Chow is a hedge fund manager
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