Grayscale Bitcoin Trust x Crypto Correlations
Historical price and correlation data

This multi-factor forecast for Paypal Holdings (PYPL) is based on a weighted average of five factor-dervied forecasts.
Backtest PYPLLeft-hand side y-axis coordinates represent the 1 to 180-day look back periods for Pearson correlation values.
Right-hand side y=axis coordinates measure the price level of GBTC.
Cryptocurrency Pearson Correlations
All Correlation VisualizationsAbout Heat Map Colors
This heat map uses a color scheme to represent how strongly BTC-USD.CC, ETH-USD.CC, BNB-USD.CC, SOL-USD.CC, XRP-USD.CC, LUNA-USD.CC, DOT-USD.CC, AVAX-USD.CC, DOGE-USD.CC, MATIC-USD.CC exhibit a positive (red) or somewhat positive (white) correlation, or none at all (green). Different shades of these three colors represent the extent of correlation.
About Heat Map Coordinates
The X-axis displays trading days by date, and the Y-axis contains different n-day average timeframes. For example, The 180-day average of Pearson correlation value calculated on November 21 appears on the heat map at the intersection of Y-coordinate "180" and X-coordinate "November 21".
About Chart Overlay
A price chart of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is overlaid on top of the heat map so you can observe the impact that different correlation regimes may have on the forward price of the asset.
For example, you may notice that prices tend to move in a direction when near term correlation register extremes; or when large differences take place between short term and long term correlation values.
Note that traders who need a perform a more comprehensive analysis can
backtest the impact of each of these n-day correlations using the
Tradewell platform.
About Pearson Correlations
Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of linear strength between two sets of data. In financial markets is used to determine whether the variability of returns between a group of assets is linearly related.
In the example of this heat map analysis of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, we are measuring the average correlations between the components over various look-back periods, spanning 10 days to 180 days.
In the example of this
heat map analysis of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, we are measuring the average correlations between the components over various look-back periods, spanning 10 days to 180 days.
A coefficient value of -1 represents a maximally inverse relationship between the variables, whereas a value of 1 represents a maximally positive relationship. A value of 0 indicates no linear relationship between the variables.
For example, a 20-day average correlation value of 1 would indicate that variability of the index components returns has been perfectly linearly related over the previous 20 days.
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is an investment vehicle that lets investors gain access to Bitcoin in the form of an exchange-listed security. The investment objective of the Trust is for the NAV per Share to track Bitcoin's market price, less its liabilities and expenses.
All Correlation Visualizations
This heat map shows the average Pearson correlation values between BTC-USD.CC, ETH-USD.CC, BNB-USD.CC, SOL-USD.CC, XRP-USD.CC, LUNA-USD.CC, DOT-USD.CC, AVAX-USD.CC, DOGE-USD.CC, MATIC-USD.CC over the past year of trading.
Historical price and correlation data